You may use the following to contact Region 6 to obtain answers to specific questions or to provide information.
NOTE: Board members will not respond to any request for hosting/reception benefits. If you seek hosting benefits for Region 6 you must make your Travel Arrangements through your appropriate Region Secretary or your respective Associate Secretary. Sending a request for hosting or assistance will only delay any help you may eventually receive when your contact is finally processed in accord with IPA procedures.
President: Patricia Larrigan
1st Vice-President: David Scheinfarb
2nd Vice-President (Reception/Visitors): John Prins
3rd Vice-President (Social): (Vacant)
Recording Secretary: (Vacant)
Treasurer: Brian DeNike
Assistant Treasurer: (Vacant)
Membership: Danny Mayorga
Supplies: (Vacant)
Editor: Pat Maher
Web Master: Pat Maher
NDC Rep: Ed Henneberque
Any Region 6 member wishing to become involved in the Board of Directors for a vacant Board position, please contact the Region 6 President for further information.
Region 6 Board Meeting Dates and Locations
TBD: Contact Region 6 President for information on scheduled meetings.
Meetings are usually on a Saturday morning in odd numbered months.